We live in extremely uncertain times with the risk of COVID-19 growing every day that makes it even more critical for businesses to offer tools to protect their employees as well as their customers. The relevance of hygiene (hands especially) continues to be emphasized time and again by the government and the health authorities in an effort to minimize contraction risk and promote safety protocols.

We have jotted a few tips on how to make your business a safe space for your employees and clients:

  1. HYGIENE COMES FIRST: Cleanliness and sanitization are two big pillars of COVID-control measures and making sure all the frequent touch points including counters, check-outs, shopping carts, and bagging area are disinfected after each use. Placing hand sanitizing stations (contactless or automatic to be safer) at high-footfall areas is a great way to ensure appropriate hand hygiene can be practiced.


  1. CURBSIDE PICK-UP: Offering your customers the option of same-day or curbside pick-up within 48 hours will encourage them to shop safely and comfortably and be able to pick-up their purchase at a time of their convenience.


  1. PLEXIGLASS BARRIERS: A slightly pricier but relevant way to maintain social distancing can be to install plexiglass barriers at check-out counters and other areas where customer interaction is required such as banks and doctors’ offices etc.

  1. PROVISION OF MASKS AND GLOVES: Providing your customers with either disposable or reusable masks and also gloves right at the entrance can help ensure that suitable hygiene measures are practiced. It may also be a good idea to brand the reusable masks with your company logo/brand message to showcase your business’ efforts to keep your customers safe and healthy.

As the world waits to go back to a normal way of life, we may actually be living the new normal now making the above measures even more essential to enforce in the longer run. We hope these pointers help you and your business to operate smoothly in these trying times.


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